💵 Engineer Your Escape: Turn Income into Wealth and Retire Early in 5 Years

Ali Fakih
5 min readMay 16, 2024
Liderina/Getty Images

Invest Like an Engineer: Integrating Personal Finance with Problem-Solving Techniques

If you work as an iOS developer, you already possess a special set of problem-solving abilities that can greatly help you in your financial endeavours. The skills of system analysis, design, and optimisation that engineers are trained in can be directly applied to wealth management and growth. In This article we will discuss how you can use an engineering mindset to make wise investment choices and create a stable financial future.

1. Analyzing Financial Data

Just as you analyze the code and debug issues, successful investing starts with a thorough analysis of financial data. You have to follow couple of steps:

Identify Key Metrics: In iOS development, you focus on performance metrics like app load time and memory usage. Same thing, in investing, you need to focus on key financial metrics such as Price-to-Earnings (P/E) ratio, dividend yield, and return on equity (ROE). These metrics help you evaluate the financial health and performance of a company. If it is the first time you hear about these terms, that is ok you will get more familiar with these terms once you get yourself…



Ali Fakih

I'm a software dev & tech enthusiast who loves iOS, Swift, networking & electronics. Follow me for insightful articles on software & tech.